Deborah Liljegren Meet

Deborah Liljegren

Peekskill, NY

About Deborah Liljegren

Peekskill, NY

Deb grew up with cameras, films, and other photography accouterments being as normal to her as baseballs or dolls were to other kids. She learned to take what was there, what was real — the light, the dark, the mood, the balance, the air — and translate it through the lens. Having a deep affinity for water, she merged these two passions and began creating underwater work. In the water, everything that we know goes away — noise, gravity, perceptions — there is tremendous peace and it allows Deb to create visual enigmas that calm rather than confuse.

Even with this devout love of photography, Deb had always worked in other media, forging more than just images, rather pieces that seem to morph. That which we actually see is an interpretation — the viewer’s — and that changes with each person, lighting, environment, and more.

Visit the artist’s site

Other works by Deborah Liljegren

Selected Exhibitions

  • Eostre
    New York, NY, 2017
  • UForge Gallery
    Boston, MA, 2016
  • Sragow Gallery
    New York, NY, 2013
  • Affordable Art Fair
    New York, NY, 2013
  • New Century Artists
    New York, NY, 2010

Press and Accolades

  • "We'd been collecting art and antiques for more than 30 years when we saw Deb's "Sunrise on the Reef" at a gallery opening in New York. We rarely added photographs to our collection and when we did so, it was with pieces that were produced decades ago. With this piece though, we couldn't resist. We bought our first contemporary photograph. Of course, now we want more." - Private collector, Boston, Massachusetts
    November 2010
  • "I add one new piece to my small, but growing collection each year. I hadn't even begun to look for a new piece when I literally walked by Deb holding a painting while on the sidewalk. She was getting ready to go over to a gallery to hang her show. I fell in love with the painting she was holding and added it to my collection right then and there" - Private collector, NYC
    April 2010
  • Grand Prix Winner at St. Barth Photo Festival
    August 2018


  • University of Massachusetts, Bachelor of Art
    Amherst, Massachusetts,1995 
  • Université de Rouen, 1e, 2e, and 3e degrees
    Rouen, France,1994 
  • Columbia Business School, Small Business Intensive Education Program

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