A Rose Exposed

Piece description from the artist

A yellow rose in the dark, exposed in a negative space.

Other works by Darrell Staggs

About Darrell Staggs

Mooresville, IN

“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?”
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.“ —
These quotes from Henry David Thoreau have provided a definition and direction for Darrell Staggs' photography in the years in transition from simply capturing shots to creating images. The Creation of an image must begin first with a creation by Nature or Man, then the eye to Look, the mind to See, and then the finger to push the button to Capture the image. That process has led to a vision that his images must be Personal, and not Predictable. He presents collections of images with the opportunity to see The Journey, Illusions, The World We Live In, and Colors and Flows all around us.
Darrell recently retired from a 38 year successful career of chemical engineering – creatively solving problems to efficiently deliver value and quality. He continues in discovering and developing his art to deliver value and quality – to the visual senses. He wants viewers to see, if just for an instant, through his eyes – the same images that they may Look, but may not have the time or vision to See.

See Darrell's portfolio here

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