Aqua Texture

Piece description from the artist

Aqua Texture is a deeply textural layered painting. It evolved as I layered different paints, colours and brush strokes creating different shapes. You can imagine, boats or birds flying through and over the sea from an aerial view.

Other works by Emmaleen Diaz

About Emmaleen Diaz

Kensington, Australia

Emmaleen Diaz is an emerging Australian contemporary artist and has been creating art since she was eight years old. Born in Colombia and raised in Australia, her practice focuses on expressive portrait and abstract painting, often enriched with vibrant colours and bold brush strokes. Her current art prctice brings together chaos, colour, light, happiness and harmony representing the turbulent world we are living in and her hope for a brighter, happier and harmonious future for all of the world. She is often compelled to portray the rich and intricate life stories she sees in the human face.

Diaz completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree at the National Art School in Sydney, Australia (NAS) in 2022.

Inspired by Wendy Sharpe, Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso her abstract works are rich with colour and texture, full of light and happiness. "I think when I draw or paint it helps me to process the world more. Things make more sense and are less chaotic – more beautiful". Emmaleen Diaz

See Emmaleen's portfolio here

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