Autumn Leaves -- Park Slope

Piece description from the artist

Photographers call the hour before sunset the golden hour, for the warm light it shines on and through everything. I found this tree in my neighborhood, just as the leaves were turning. I stepped underneath it and the sun did the rest, shining through them to give us this picture. All I did was over-expose the shot slightly in my raw file editor and proportionally increased color saturation. A simple crop to size and it was done. I hope you will enjoy it.

Other works by Etan Ben-Ami

About Etan Ben-Ami

Brooklyn, NY

Etan Ben-Ami is a semi-retired psychotherapist and full-time lens-based artist. He has crammed several careers into his life.

He began exploring New York's art museums and galleries from his early teen years. In the early 1980s, he became interested in holography and high-resolution computer graphics. He helped holographer Jody Burns with computer software to pre-visualize holographic exposures used in creating holograms designed by Israeli artist Agam.

His interest then turned to the New York poetry scene. He studied with Alice Notley, among others. He co-edited and produced the local 'Cheap Review of Poetry' in part as a challenge to the increasingly stifling professionalism in poetry and the arts.

In his sixties, he has renewed his interest in visual arts, especially abstract and expressionist photography. He is a member of Brooklyn Artists Waterfront Coalition.

See Etan's portfolio here

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