Blue and Yellow Sunset This Evening

Piece description from the artist

One of the endless variations on natural New York.

Other works by Susan Pyzow

About Susan Pyzow

New York, NY

The greatest appeal to Susan about being an artist is the fact that it’s a solitary and highly challenging pursuit. She grew up in New York and at the age of twelve knew she wanted to be an artist. That’s the path she’s been on ever since.

Her work has been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums and has been awarded prizes or grants from various organizations such as: The Vogelstein Foundation, The American Artists Professional League, Audubon Artists, The Federal Reserve Bank, The Joyce Dutka Foundation, and The National League of American Pen Women.

Sandwiched between doing her artwork, and exhibiting and selling it, Susan has also worked as an illustrator, art teacher, and free-lance paste-up and mechanical artist. Her commitment to the practice of her art has always been present no matter what other circumstances she’s found herself in over the years.

Walking around New York (as well as excessively staring out the window) provides much of her subject matter. Despite great familiarity with most of these locations – different times of day, changing seasons, passing of decades, and the inevitable noticing of details previously missed, somehow keep the experience fresh for Susan.

To more fully express her personality, thoughts, and feelings about the times and environment she’s living in, Susan also creates conceptual work utilizing a variety of mediums and stylistic approaches to various subjects. Through this conceptual approach, she exercises the use of irony and humor while still making a serious point. Her choice of medium ranges from traditional drawing and painting techniques to graphically bold imagery as well as hand painting in digital format. She decides how to proceed by determining what she feels will most effectively and completely communicate her views about a subject.

See Susan's portfolio here

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