Black Rock

Piece description from the artist

abstract art. Not precise brush strokes, but rather spontaneous.

About Karine Tonial Grimm

Itapema, Brazil

My name is Karine Tonial Grimm. I am an abstract artist from Brazil.
I am a housewife, mother of 2 kids and I reconcile these with my art. I started painting in 2017 while was living in Germany. In a difficult moment, I ended up discovering art, and it was the best therapy for me. And it is always going to be!
I love experimenting with new techniques and styles. I create intuitively and let creativity surprises me. My paintings are from black and white to the most vivid colors, from the minimalist to the maximalist.
I am passionate about my work! I love sitting down and creating. I paint both digitally (with a pen and an Ipad) and with acrylic on Canvas.

See Karine's portfolio here

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