Braided chairs

Piece description from the artist

Sometimes I want to go out of the daily reality. So in this painting I used a daily object like very colorful chairs place outside on a square with grey stones. In my painting I want to make an abstract/surreal world where the viewer can imagine his own mind.
The used materials are acrylic on sturdy carton place in a frame. Other frames are available. The size is 27,5 × 19,7 inches.

Other works by Angelika Poels

About Angelika Poels

Deurne, Netherlands

Angelika Poels works in several disciplines. With TurningArt she shows her paintings, mixed media and abstract photography. She studied drawing in Tilburg and graduated painting in Belgium in 2016. In her work she researches the themes space and alienation from different angles. Transparancy and working in layers feels for her as the most natural way to create art. Besides her abstract artworks she lately develops also paintings with surreal elements. Angelika needs her inner space. Working in her studio and also dreaming during the night of during the day is as oxigen for her.

See Angelika's portfolio here

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