Caldron II

Piece description from the artist

The photograph of the Caldron is based off the iching, hexagram #50 ting. The iching, known as the “book of changes”, is the oldest Chinese classical text. It is a collection of practical wisdom that sheds light on every conceivable situation. The Caldron symbolizes nourishment and rejuvenation. Rejuvenation is the returning to one’s natural desires and the recharging of one’s energy through the fulfillment of aspirations. It also entails that all that is visible must grow beyond itself, extend into the realm of the invisible, and the power of transformation. It connotes the symbol of the body and containment and within that we nurture both form and formlessness. The space and the container are inseparable.

Other works by Kim Richardson

About Kim Richardson

Santa Fe, NM

Kim Richardson specializes in still life photography. For nearly a decade she photographed for New York auction houses Sotheby’s and Phillips de Pury & Co.

Kim studied fine art and photography at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, and Parsons School of Design in Paris. She worked in collaborative projects that exhibited at Centre Pompidou in Paris and Alleged Gallery in New York City. She presently lives in Santa Fe, NM with her husband, painter and educator, Willy Richardson and their lovely, dynamic daughter Audrey Richardson. In addition to her photography she also has a background in fine art printing for artists who she prints with master printer, Steve Zeifman, with Rush Creek Editions.

See Kim's portfolio here

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