Coronavirus 1

Piece description from the artist

This painting was created in response to my feelings about the coronavirus that was crashing 2020 around the entire world. I was expressing my frustration and anger about an "enemy" that there was so much ignorance about and seeming lax response from different cultures about its dangers, my feelings of lack of control with something that could seem so simple and yet kill randomly without focus on race, gender, country, or age.

Other works by Cheryl Coen

About Cheryl Coen

Bolivar, MO

Cheryl has always been drawing lines or making color-shapes in her mind. Her parents sent off for a Jon Gnagy Drawing Kit as a beginning art course for her. After sending off correspondence lessons through the Famous Artists Course, she then went on to receive a Double Major BA in Fine Art and Psychology from Southwest Baptist University. She worked in black and white commercial art illustration for an advertising agency and entered street fairs and sold commissioned portraits before going on hiatus for family issues. She resumed her art career with plein air painting in pastel and oils.

Cheryl spends a great deal of time studying and using color strategies from the Munsell Color Harmony system, which she incorporates in almost all her work. Strong diagonals usually find their way into her work as well as trendy compliments.

After creating art with many different mediums and many different surfaces, she finds that texture is one consistent factor that permeates her work, either by a textured subject or with textured paint. The textured surface determines how she plans and begins her painting. The rough, scumbled, unpredictable results seem to inspire her to create artwork over and over again. To Cheryl, this makes the creative life rich and fulfilling. The unpredictability and randomness promises new discoveries and provides constant artistic renewal.

The visual or physical texture influences her choice of medium, whether pastel on a grit surface, oils over a rough underpainting, or a palette knife for random paint application. Acrylics are a flat medium and require an underpainting with texture or choosing a subject that has a lot of visual texture.

Cheryl also loves the challenge and process of 2-dimensional visual and concept problem-solving. She takes artistic license to move visual elements around to resolve composition or mood or color issues so that they fit her aesthetic guidelines. She is attracted to strong diagonals and in many of her paintings this directional energy is evident. Cheryl often will "reverse engineer" her painting process; what she sees first is what she paints last. Understanding what needs to be painted first she feels is key to a successful painting foundation. She always strives to create a compelling composition and mood by using line, value, shape, texture, and color harmony.

See Cheryl's portfolio here

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