Piece description from the artist

Pointillism has been around for a long time. Seurat brought this technique into common use in the early 19th century with the Impressionists. It can be used exclusively on its own or combined with other techniques, as I do in my work. Points or dots of different colors can be placed in proximity to make a new color; for instance, a dot of red placed beside a dot of blue causes the mind to see purple. Complementary colors can be used to darken or highlight. Ultimate digital pointillism is exemplified by the color T.V. set where various combinations of dots—red, blue, and green—create all the colors.

Other works by Richard Hagerty

About Richard Hagerty

Charleston, SC

Surrealism is the inspiration for Hagerty’s art, from his early watercolors of the 1970’s to the brilliant oil paintings of today. Surrealism is expansive, psychoanalytical, experimental and pluralistic – a good fit for Hagerty’s world view.

Richard Hagerty is a polymath, driven in many ways. He paints as a means of understanding the world and his place in it. The imagery that comes out of his mind is surreal, vast, multi-cultural and blended. He spends even more time these days creating art, and sees it as constantly moving forward and evolving.

See Richard's portfolio here

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