Piece description from the artist
This piece is about how one minute someone can be a star and in the next breath be disgraced. When I think of the color gold, the word shiny comes to mind. When in fact gold tarnishes quite easily.
Sima Schloss moved to New York City at the end of 1993, where her life really began to take form. As an artist, Sima does not believe in masterpieces; she believe in the truth that comes from the immediacy of a brainstorm and the sureness of first gesture. In her work, Sima combines many aspects of her personal history and surroundings as source material to create collages that reflect her perspective in the context of pop culture.
Her work is part of a number of private and public collections including those of "Tina Tang Studio":http://www.tinatang.com/ and "Miss Sixty Inc.":http://www.misssixty.com/ITA/it-IT, She has shown in different venues all around New York, such as "The Yes Gallery":http://yesgalleryyes.com/, "3RD Ward":https://www.3rdward.com/, as well as a group show at "World Culture Open Gallery":http://www.worldcultureopen.org/gallery in New York City. She was recently featured in "NY Arts Magazine":http://www.nyartsmagazine.com/, and she is currently working on independent projects.
Sima is affiliated with the "Metropolitan Museum of Art":http://www.metmuseum.org, "Nurture Art":http://nurtureart.org/, "Art for Progress":http://www.artforprogress.org/, and "New York Cares":http://www.newyorkcares.org/.
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