First Impressions

Piece description from the artist

Graffiti artist? Homeless man? Volunteer helping feed the homeless? Performer? Straight? Gay? Refugee? Does it matter? Truth is we can't know much just by looking at him. All we can know for certain is he's chilly and warming himself by a fire.

Challenge first impressions. Question what you think you know.

Other works by Karen Strangfeld

About Karen Strangfeld

Harwich, MA

I'm a New England native, with a BA in Studio Art, Art History, Museum Studies. I've spent over a decade working at one of Boston's largest art museums, and now live out in a tiny town in northern central New England. My painting style is a sort of loose modern impressionist take on landscapes and cityscapes.

I think painting is pretty similar to writing, or cooking. But let's say writing- You start out with a blank white sheet and an idea. And you know a lot of rules about how to put everything together. But there's a lot of freedom after that. And you're sort of on your own to figure out what will resonate with someone else. (Because ultimately you hope it ends up in someone else's home, if only because your own house only has so many walls! But also because I think every artist paints for the same reason chefs cook and writers write- to have others enjoy their work.) But you can't please everyone! So I often remind myself- this painting might only ever hang on my wall. And I try to paint from the perspective of – What would I be happy looking at for the next 40 years?

And it's just that. It's like cooking. Make something that tastes good to you, and it will probably taste good to someone else too.

I hope you enjoy. :)

See Karen's portfolio here

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