In Search of an Ephemeral Answer

Piece description from the artist

A large 6' x 9' mural that I painted at a school in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. The painting is oil based paint inside the school grounds, visible right when you walk inside. It depicts a man on top of a mountain (based off the mountains in Huehuetenango) looking up a a teal-aquamarine colored circle. The circle represents many things, though most people may point out it looks like a moon or planet: it may also represent eternity, infinity, a form of God, etc.
The title, "In search of an ephemeral answer" is titled as such because of my experiences I had while visiting the school in Huehuetenango: a school of abandoned, abused, and/or neglected children. Unable to wrap my mind around why such things happen around the world, I have been looking for an answer ever since.

Other works by Robert Darabos

About Robert Darabos

Saginaw, MI

Robert Darabos is a current graduate student, studying and residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His most recent body of artwork deals with the use of repetition, optical illusions, abstraction, and mark making. They have an abstract quality to them, though are not necessarily abstract, and almost always contain the motif of a circle, or another geometric shape.

His medium of choice is printmaking, though recently he has been experimenting with collage work, as well as drawing. He has also been working in alternative photography processes, particularly cyanotype, and using the process as a means of fine art instead of photography and creating beautiful one-of-a-kind works of abstraction.

Robert has been showing his work in galleries and exhibitions since 2007 and have had over 50 shows, 9 of them solo, several publications and multiple awards. His work has been shown primarily in Michigan but has also appeared in Chicago, New York, Seattle, Kansas, Arizona, Philadelphia, and North Carolina, as well as internationally in Canada, England, Colombia, Australia, Japan, China, Wales and Malaysia. He has also placed works in personal, private, and permanent collections. His work is featured in international collections in Derbeyshire, England, the Chengdu Academy of Fine Art in Sichuan, China, the Hambis Printmaking Museum in Cyprus and the Museum of Modern Art in Wales, among others.

See Robert's portfolio here

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