Jack Rabbit

Piece description from the artist

Saw this Jack Rabbit gnawing a piece of grass under a cactus plant while riding around in Big Bend. The deserts of west Texas have an abundance of these larger rabbits. They have several predator enemies, so good cover is where one may be found.

Other works by Charles McKelroy

About Charles McKelroy

Lake Jackson, TX

Photography for C. Dennis McKelroy, is a passion. His interest in open spaces, natural beauty, and wildlife stem from his being raised in the country near the Gulf Coast. Summers were spent enjoying out of door activities. Scouting and camping taught him to enjoy, as well as, respect nature. Some weeks were spent visiting with relatives. As his Mother would say, “we vacation on the relative trail.” Having kinfolk with a beach house or a Hill Country Ranch or living out in far west Texas’ Bad Lands turned out to be a blessing. Spending time in those environments was most rewarding as he developed an interest in Photography.
Dennis took up photography after graduating from high school. Traveling around the state camping in state parks or even roadside parks, he took pictures along the way. It was a good experience for learning to “see in pictures” and use camera equipment. Reading magazines and Self-Help books helped him to learn the basics like how to visualize subjects, look for the story, and capture the image. Two semesters at Houston Community College and two correspondence courses helped him learn the fundamentals from developing negatives to seeing in Black and White. Dennis has nearly 40 years of learning to take pictures and turn them into photographs.
He has traveled much of his adult life having traveled around most of the United States and Mexico. As a sea Captain, he traveled to many parts of the world. A camera was almost always with him. Back then film was the medium. It was expensive to purchase and have developed. With film, getting the exposure, composition, lighting were all important factors in capturing a good image. Each picture cost money so getting it right was imperative.
Switching to digital has been a significant change. Learning the equipment and computer imaging software were new challenges. Having already learned the basics through years of practice, all that was left was to get out and take pictures.
Taking advantage of time spent learning landscape and nature with film cameras; Dennis has put that together with his interest in wildlife to develop his own style of capturing images these days. Many of his fresher images are scenic – wildlife photographs.
Covering much of the state over the past couple of decades has provided Dennis with a very large stock of images to work with and make available at TurningArt. Discovering this opportunity to share his art with others is one of the best things to happen with his photography endeavors. It is an excellent opportunity to offer original “Photographic Art” so others may also enjoy nature's natural wonders and beauty. Dennis hopes you will enjoy viewing his images as much as he does sharing them.
Thank you for your interest, I’m honored you took the time. C. Dennis McKelroy

See Charles's portfolio here

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