Last Clouds of July

Piece description from the artist

I love the clouds that form above and around Tucson, Arizona. These, above the Rincon Mountains on the East side of Tucson, were impressive and I took several photos of them for several minutes.
When I post-processed the image I noticed the date, July 31, 2016. Hence the name of the photo, I wish all photo names came as easy as this one.

Other works by Eduardo Palazuelos Romo

About Eduardo Palazuelos Romo

Tucson, AZ

Eduardo Palazuelos Romo is an Electrical Engineer, with a life long passion for photography. His focus is on landscapes, both vast and intimate ones. Other photography genres he enjoys are Still Life and Black & White. Eduardo began his photography journey slowly, while still in college, influenced by the work of both Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. His primary inspiration comes from immersing himself in the great outdoors of Arizona, the place he calls home. He has always been happy to share images of his state, and other locations too, with all who slow down enough to appreciate a beautiful place.

See Eduardo's portfolio here

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