Lost In Thought

Piece description from the artist

This is an image of a Polaroid emulsion lift. To create this piece, I photographed the roses using slide film. Next, I used a 'Daylab' printer to print my slide image onto Polaroid film. Once the Polaroid film was developed, I floated it on very hot water — this step helps separate the rose image from its paper base. At this point, the film was very viscous which is when I carefully transferred it onto fine art paper. I then used a delicate, wet paintbrush to shape the over all image. I also added creases and wrinkles to create this romantic and dreamy piece.

Other works by Dee Etzwiler

About Dee Etzwiler

Eugene, OR

Dee Etzwiler earned a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Oregon and has collaborated on a number of architecture projects. She has also taught architecture design courses at the University of Oregon. In 2012, Dee launched her custom art business, a+a Studio, where she merges her two passions: art and architecture. Dee is an award-winning artist with years of studio experience. She has produced a number of commissioned art installations, her work has been shown in juried gallery exhibitions, and she is listed on the 'Urban Canvas' roster for the City of Eugene (OR). Dee has also been awarded inspiring artist residencies. Dee’s ability to effectively work with individuals, groups and design teams is her forté and is at the heart of her success at creating stunning custom art.

See Dee's portfolio here

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