Lower East Side

Piece description from the artist

Part of the NYC Over and Under-series.
Lower East Side was captured in New York city right before Hurricane Sandy hit the city in 2012, there was something poetic about walking the empty streets of an otherwise busy and bustling city. It felt like looking at it in its most vulnerable state and seeing its aura.

Other works by Mina Teslaru

About Mina Teslaru

New York, NY

Mina Teslaru (°1982, Bucharest) is a multi-media artist working in photography and installation. By exploring the concept of landscape in a nostalgic way, Teslaru investigates the dynamics of the landscape, including the manipulation of its effects and the limits of spectacle based on our assumptions of what landscape means to us. Rather than presenting a factual reality, an illusion is fabricated to conjure the realms of our imagination.
Her photos establish a link between the landscape’s reality and that imagined by its conceiver. These works focus on concrete questions that determine our existence. By examining the ambiguity and origination via retakes and variations, she creates intense personal moments masterfully created by means of rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, luring the viewer round and round in circles.
Her works never shows the complete structure. This results in the fact that the artist can easily imagine an own interpretation without being hindered by the historical reality. By applying abstraction, she tries to increase the dynamic between audience and author by objectifying emotions and investigating the duality that develops through different interpretations.
The results are deconstructed to the extent that meaning is shifted and possible interpretation becomes multifaceted. Mina Teslaru currently lives and works in Roxbury, NY.


See Mina's portfolio here

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