
Piece description from the artist

When I draw like this it is so quick but focused. The figure can be moving or stationary. I love to play with the materials to match with the personality and body of the model.

Other works by Karl Richard Olsen

About Karl Richard Olsen

Philadelphia, PA

Karl left home and school as a teenager and explored the country for several years. He graduating from The University of the Arts in the mid 80's and began working as an Industrial Designer in Philadelphia. He discovered that drawing, model making and hands-on material interaction was a natural fit. Later, blacksmithing and woodworking became the stepping stone from an office environment to his own studio which he designed and built. Working as a craft artist for years then became the precursor to the fine arts, mainly painting, drawing, and more recently sculpture.
Karl's personal need to search for his own visual language is very strong. His life experiences and observations of the connections between people places and things are are all the motivation needed to start a conversation with the materials. Karl believes the challenge for an artist is to find honesty in the work. The goal: To create a visually engaging piece.

See Karl Richard's portfolio here

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