My First Nikon Camera

Piece description from the artist

Every photographer has a favorite camera. Whether it is their first or the newest one, fresh out of the box, one camera has special place on the shelf, in the camera bag, or in the heart. Mine is my first Nikon camera – the F2. I’m fuzzy on exactly how I came to possess it, but I do know it was well used before I owned it as it had been used by a local newspaper photographer. It felt right in my hand and it was a joy to carry. Alas, I don’t shoot film any more so instead of on my tripod or in my bag, this little baby rests in a prominent place on a shelf in my office. But it is there, ready and willing. Someday, I’ll grab some film, wipe off the dust, and take it for a spin.

Day 248 of my 365 photo a day project.

Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography

Other works by Scott Norris

About Scott Norris

Milwaukee, WI

Emotion. Mood. Feelings. This is what I capture through my photographs. Whether it is landscapes, architectural elements, still life, or macros – it is a very personal journey as my own fears, triumphs, beliefs, and shortcomings are exposed with each photo.
Much of what I shoot is done spontaneously without preconceived thought or plan. I let what is around me dictate what is photographed.
And the shooting is only the first step – a jumping off point. I take the raw images and create what I see in my mind’s eye. Coaxing out textures present in the shot – sometimes adding them. Enhancing the contrast of light and dark to create the mood and emotions I felt and feel. In the end, it’s all about listening to my heart and mind and creating a visual representation of what I feel the moment the shutter is released.
I'm a native Texan currently living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with my lovely wife and son.

See Scott's portfolio here

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