
Piece description from the artist

On a road trip to the hidden fringes of Death Valley National Park, we took a day and explored the desert peaks that rise high above Badwater Basin to the west. One of the most engaging aspects of photography is discovering the spirit of humility when humanity is placed amongst the overwhelming size of nature. We are tiny, in truth. So off we go to find that perspective amongst the giants. This image aimed to express that sense that can be taught when we venture to new landscapes and immerse ourselves in them.

Other works by Kevin Lange

About Kevin Lange

Albuquerque, NM

Kevin Lange is a photographer living in central New Mexico. Born and bred a child of the "Four Corners":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Corners_Monument landscape, he explores the roots of "Western Expansionism":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny, and its role in the ever-evolving state of our existence.

Kevin’s work aims to bring to light the inimitable, and often contradictory beauty that exemplifies the landscapes, destinations, and unique brand of individuals that make up the American West.

See Kevin's portfolio here

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