Pigeons of Essex St.

Piece description from the artist

Essex Street Market

Other works by Jay Moore

About Jay Moore

New York, NY

Growing up in Westchester County, New York, Moore has been interested in the documenting New York City for as long as he can remember. Despite being geographically close, the city represented a world entirely different from the woody suburb he called home. Inspired by the diversity and complexities of urban environments, Moore finds inspiration for his graphics and photos by getting lost in the tiny pockets of New York, observing each neighborhood's spirit, atmosphere, and nuances.

Moore is a full time graphic designer and his artwork is a meditation on the dynamics and transience of urban life: how are our cities are marked by the passage of time? How our associations with these cities are shaped by the physical and cultural impact of the people before us – consciously and subconsciously? He seeks to capture moments where the city's history, and the people who shaped it, peek through today to inform the unique and blended character found at every street corner.

Development amongst landmarks, modernity amongst history, chaos amongst structure, idiosyncrasies amongst sameness, intimacy amongst crowds, comfort amongst restlessness – Moore views the coexistence of these discordant experiences as hallmarks of New York life; capturing them honestly is the driving force behind his work.

See Jay's portfolio here

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