Pulsating Rhythms

Piece description from the artist

"Pulsating Rhythms" “Pulsating Rhythms”, was 6i" X 75", has been acquired through Campbell Coyle Real Estate, Chicago, developers of the Steven S. Wymer Hall located within the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Installion in August 2025.

I discovered abstract painting and the notion of creating paintings in large dimensions for the first time when I entered a Bachelors degree program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA during the 1990s.

It was a marvelous revelation because of the freedom, and new possibilities for exploration that came with the opportunity. It was my foray into treating color and textures independently from subject matter such as form, line and perspective that are general constraints of realism in image-making. The connection between art, music and spiritual forces also dawned on me, having grown up in a spiritual and cultural family. The thought of translating real life and presenting it in abstract form led to my future professional journey from that time onwards.

Easily Kandinsky was one of the first artists I was inspired by his pure abstract paintings portraying “vibrantly colored spots, smears and lines foregoes all visual reference to objective reality for the first time in 1910”. Expressionism, and colorful lyrical abstraction came into focus for the first time.

Employing a range of methods while creating my unique style, I continue to seek what is true and something free within me. I began to explore texture in a strictly two-dimensional way in lieu of collaging pieces together on my surfaces, washing layers of paint applications on often large-sized canvases as in the Batik medium. Adding freshly painted imagery to previous layers mimicked superimposed, adhered collaged materials.

Closely following exhibits by various art galleries on Broadway, New York City from 1995-1999, Askart published my biography in 1999. TurningArt, Massachusetts is one of the portals recently adding to my artistic journey.

was created in 2018 and alludes to the beat of music that coincides with yoga on the beach and the simultaneous undulating waves of the ocean on a peaceful morning. The colors of the sea and the sun and the churning white froth of the water is portrayed as abstract imagery. I chose a large canvas to capture the majesty of the ocean.

Other works by Chitra Ramanathan

About Chitra Ramanathan

Norcross, GA

A recipient of the International Tagore Award for her contribution in the field on Fine Arts in January 2024, and an Artist of the Year Award by the Circle Foundation the Arts, France in February 2024, there has been no looking back for contemporary visual artist Chitra Ramanathan since 1995 when the artist’s career debuted with solo and group exhibitions of her paintings at different venues including Agora Gallery on Broadway, New York City. Noticed by art critics for her concept and originality, her name and art were featured in different art publications including Manhattan Arts Magazine.

Ramanathan's unique, intuitive style of painting is distinct with her treatment of fresh, bright colors executed with rapid brush strokes. Often combined with varied intricately interwoven textural materials interwoven into the paint rather than mere stand-alone collages, her work visually creates the aura of extending beyond their two-dimensional surfaces, frequently created in expansive scale, or as multi-paneled works with the concept of happiness and expression of joy, the theme of her ongoing body of work. They have been featured in venues including courthouses, hotels and prominent solo and group exhibitions or as specific commissioned projects. Her numerous originals have been acquired by private and business clients, auctions, and site-specific public art commissions including an installation of a pair of custom-created paintings at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas in 2004 invited by MGM Resorts International.

Recent private commissions include a recently completed commission request by a private client in Dayton area, Ohio to create pair of paintings identically measuring 7 feet high by 3.4 feet wide that was completed in July 2020. In 2016, a three-paneled painting was commissioned by the CEO of Biaggis chain of restaurants in Bloomington, Illinois, and a 5 feet wide X 3 feet high commissioned piece for a private client in Boston, MA in 2018.

An award-winning child artist growing up in India, Ramanathan earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting with honors in 1993 and M.B.A in 1997 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Publications of Chitra Ramanathan's biography and images have been featured in Askart.com, Luxury Real Estate Magazine, the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), Who’s Who in America, International Contemporary Artists, Vol 1., the Indianapolis Business Journal, Indianapolis Monthly Home Magazine, Miami Art Scene Magazine in 2018, and the Art Guide Mag's Artist Directory in 2020.

In recognition of her uniqueness and experience, Ramanathan was invited as Visiting Artist by the Head of the Royal Academy of Arts, London UK in 2005. for a visual presentation and student critiques at the Royal Academy of Arts Schools.

See Chitra's portfolio here

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