Running with my eyes closed

Piece description from the artist

As a lifelong artist, I find inspiration in the ordinary moments of everyday life, constantly seeking to translate my experiences into vibrant artistic expressions. Since joining the San Diego art community in 2014, I have dedicated myself to evolving and refining my craft, gaining increasing recognition along the way.
My artistic journey is characterized by a commitment to exploration and experimentation, with a focus on abstract expressionism. I approach each piece with a sense of boundless enthusiasm and unwavering dedication, always striving to push the boundaries of my personal style.
One of my preferred mediums is raw, unprimed canvas, which I manipulate and transform through a process of deliberate chaos. From scuffing and stepping on the canvas to incorporating spilled coffee stains, each element contributes to the unique texture and character of the final piece. Drawing from memory, music, and the spontaneity of the moment, I layer paint strokes and drawing materials to create dynamic compositions that reflect the depth and complexity of human experience. Through this process, I aim to capture the essence of emotion and sensation, inviting viewers to explore the rich tapestry of abstraction and imagination.

Other works by Samuel Perry

About Samuel Perry

San Diego Ca, CA

As a lifelong artist, Samuel Perry is always looking for the next opportunity to translate their everyday experiences into artistic expressions. Since 2014, they have joined the San Diego art community and are gaining increasing acclaim.

Their approach and output are constantly evolving as they hone their personal style. However, currently focusing on abstract, they work hard to ensure they do not repeat themselves. No matter what, Samuel approaches each work with complete enthusiasm and total dedication.

Their passion for connecting personal history and significance through visual artwork drives their love to create and share on canvas. Samuel's work has been included in juried exhibitions in San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles county, and is included in personal collections around the nation.

Requiring frequent doses of sunshine, Samuel lives and is based in Southern California – living with his partner and two dogs: Oliver and Bleu.

See Samuel 's portfolio here

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