Piece description from the artist
If you ever get out of the city and off the freeway, you see these beat-up and patched roadways that make you realize you're in rural America. These places are disappearing fast and need to be recorded and savored. This particular road is DD (Double D) in North Central Missouri.
My name is Jon Wolf. I grew up in Missouri and have lived in California for 22 years. My brother, Mike is my closest contemporary and is a professional artist living in LA. I have been painting since I was about 17. In high school, I studied under Ed Miller. He emphasized work ethic and the principles and elements of design. We were lucky to have the best art teacher in America in that small town.
Oil Painting: Why oil painting? There is a reason original oil paintings hang in
the most exclusive rooms and hallways in the world. They’re more than just beautiful and valuable. Paintings are historical vestiges that you can physically touch. They’re handmade. And they’re emotional. Paintings are alive and correspondingly, have an affect on the world around them. They can nudge you awake and calm you down. Paintings leave an impression that not only doesn’t go away but actually increases over time. The gravity of a painting can move you and bring dead space to life. Food, vacations, and events are treasures, but they are temporary. Paintings are items you pass down to your children.
My Style: I am influenced mostly by the Americans, Edward Hopper, John
Singer Sargent, and Andrew Wyeth, but ! also by many of the French
impressionists (the masters of color) Like them, I chose to “paint what I know".
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