Static Gears

Piece description from the artist

Taken on 120mm film with a HOLGA 120N.
The original image is in square format.

All of Thurmer's photos were taken on 120mm B&W film and have been cropped to fit the turningart format. The original works are all square in format and can be viewed on his portfolio site:

Barcelona, Spain

Other works by Ryan Thurmer

About Ryan Thurmer

Seattle, WA

Ryan Thurmer is a recent graduate of the B.F.A. program at the University of Michigan School of Art & Design. He has always been curious and inspired by nature, foreign cultures, and the world around him (everywhere may happens to be). Today, as a designer/artist/human Thurmer believes it is exceedingly necessary to center our creative focus, not only around comfort or sustainability, but also on artistic creation's true value in improving life and happiness.

See Ryan's portfolio here

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