Surfing The Edge

Piece description from the artist

An impressionist painting of a surfer trying to avoid crashing into another surfer that has already fallen in the water at Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States. He fights to keep his balance as he carves his way along the crest of a surging breaker. The other surfers head that had tumbled into the water can be seen peaking over a waves as he looks at the surfer coming his way. His board is bobbing precariously in the foamy chaos. With a sharp turn, the rider's instincts kicked in, his knees bending low and arms outstretched for balance. He steers to the side, spraying an arc of glistening water into the air as he deftly avoids the fallen surfer. The pulse of the ocean surged beneath him, his focus unyielding, and with a final twist, he rode the wave past the turbulence, merging once more with the rhythm of the sea. This is a photo I took and turned into a painting.

This photo was taken by Jennifer White with Timeless Moments Photography and turned into a digital painting. All images are copyrighted © Timeless Moments Photography/Jennifer White. All rights reserved.

Other works by Jennifer White

About Jennifer White

Ozark, MO

Jennifer White is a professional photographer from the Ozarks in Southwest Missouri, United States. She specializes in fine art and travel photography but also does real estate photography, portraits, weddings, commercial photos and more. In April 2018 she was internationally published in a woman's art magazine known as Women Art 278 based out of Germany, PracticeLink Magazine (winter 2022), and her 'Come On Spring Time' daffodil image was made into a USPS postage stamp (Jan 2023). She has also won various art contests online and locally. Her art and photography is sold world-wide. She enjoys traveling and showing the world the beauty in everything created by Lord through both nature and mankind.

See Jennifer's portfolio here

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