
Piece description from the artist

Competitive swimmers racing.

Other works by Victoria Hallberg

About Victoria Hallberg

Franklin Park, IL

Victoria Hallberg's passion for the arts has played a major role in her life. Since the age of 5, she's been creating unique pieces- always thirsting for more knowledge that can be applied to future creations. The theme she has been working with most recently depicts Extraordinary People- changing the wold in one way or another. Producing this collection has "lit a fire" inside Vicky- Igniting her dreams towards a niche in sports photography. Beyond her favorite mediums of watercolor and mixed media, Vicky also spends many hours a week honoring her photography skills and equates editing pictures to a digital canvas where she feels every stroke.

Victoria hopes her artwork touches you and that you're able to see something familiar in these people- something familiar about yourself. Her attention to the small details depicting additional hidden messages and these that speak powerfully to the subject's character and personality.

Instagram: VickyDrawThis

See Victoria's portfolio here

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