Astronaut and the Easter Bunny: A Space Odyssey

Piece description from the artist

Where do I get my ideas for paintings? Oftentimes, by free association. With Easter coming up, I thought I would do some sort of an Easter related painting in my own surrealistic way. The Easter Bunny came to mind and then I'm not sure what triggered the thought of putting him in space with an astronaut but that's the visual I conjured up. I did a bit of research and found the photo of the astronaut floating in space. Perfect. I didn't want to do the traditional cartoon Easter Bunny so instead I found an image of a man in a bunny costume. Put the two together and it created a truly startling image. There are those that say we never landed on the moon and that space travel is all a big fabrication. There are those that say the Easter Bunny isn't real. This painting proves that both of those are unquestionably false! (Just kidding.) Though not quite my normal surrealistic style, it still seems to fit and I wonder if this image is more Pop Art-ish than surreal. Maybe it's a little of both! It's certainly unlike anything I've done before and that always makes me happy. I hope you like it

Other works by Tom Blood

About Tom Blood

St. Louis, MO

Tom Blood is a self-taught, modern-day surrealist, heavily influenced by his all-time favourite artist, Rene Magritte. Some of his early works include two crowd favorites – "Bobby Hull" which was created using a palette knife and "The Three Stooges" which was created using three primary colors. Since that time, Tom has pursued a more surrealistic path. He paints ideas. His goal is to paint the impossible, or at least, the highly improbable. With his paintings, viewers can always tell what's going on, not necessarily knowing why. He wants his paintings to tell stories that make people think, or bring a smile. His work has won numerous awards locally and he has had a number of solo shows in the St. Louis, Missouri area where he was born and raised.

See Tom's portfolio here

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