The wind Blowing Through My Flowery Mind

Lu Meng By Lu Meng

Piece description from the artist

Painting in abstract expressionism on the theme of creatures, I convey the linking with the physical world and insight into the being to keep my distance from the virtual world. I confront the precision and generalization in the digital world through uncertainty and interference, with interfering, overlaying the plots and colors as well as scattered composition. Through splitting, and regrouping the same picture by college, I depict the diversity and infinite possibilities of individual life instead of being classified and located in big data. The uncertain and occasional painting states that I reinforce, and express my inner appearance and respect for life.

Other works by Lu Meng

About Lu Meng

Beijing, China

She began to learn painting at the age of 4. After graduating from university, she worked as a documentary director in CCTV for many years. After obtaining a master's degree in Britain, she worked in a foreign company for many years in visual communication. Now she is mainly engaged in painting and teaching.
Currently living and working in Beijing, her paintings are mainly acrylic, oil painting and comprehensive materials. The subject matter is related to the exploration of the relationship between human and nature, and the research and practice of visual art creation to stimulate the creativity of ordinary people and promote people's positive cognition of society and nature.
As a visual Art creator, settled in Turning Art, Loup Art, Artmajeur, Saatchi Art, Artpal, HOAA signed artists
Participated in Artbank China online group exhibition in 2019.
IANGRRY, ART Hole, Mvibe Magazine Artmagazineium recommend artists
Participate in Holy Art London, Occhi online group exhibition
Venture Pal brand alliance artist
Certified member of LTAC (International Federation of Educational Artists)
Appointed lecturer in Art Healing, UNESCO. Resident artist of The Healing Art Project of The DAN CIC, UK

See Lu's portfolio here

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