Times Square, New York

Piece description from the artist

Looking out over Times Square from the rooftop of a neighboring building was the visual starting point for a series of composite landscapes that continues to this day. At that moment, it didn't seem possible to record the dynamism and energy of the scene in a single image, so I was inspired to shoot a series of overlapping images that I assembled into this composite view that transcends the sense of time and space available in a single cityscape photograph.

Other works by Jason Horowitz

About Jason Horowitz

Arlington, VA

Jason Horowitz lives and works in Arlington, VA and his work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions in the US and abroad. He has also been the recipient of several grants including an Aaron Siskind Foundation Individual Photographer's Fellowship, a Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Individual Fellowship, and a Franz and Virginia Bader Fund Grant.
Here’s what he says about his work: “I’m always looking for ways to see things in a new way. From medium format black and white to abstracted still-life images of food to close-ups of people in the studio I love to explore ways to engage with and interpret the world through photography. Take my latest project as an example. For the past year or so I have been creating a series of large scale pictures using the Google Photo Sphere/Street View app in a way it's never been used before. The final images are disassembled and reconstructed 360° scenes that I create by subverting my phone’s camera and software to playfully bend space and time to create abstracted views that reinterpret reality.and are filled with a dizzying sense of wonder and mystery.”

See Jason's portfolio here

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