Vertigo Boston 03

Piece description from the artist


Look up, if you dare, and everything converges: skyscrapers, traffic signals, power lines, flags. A brilliant sun lights up a vast blue sky, cut up into awkward slices and jigsaw pieces.

The view is the diametrical opposite of bird's-eye, perhaps ant's-eye or at least pedestrian's-eye. Over our heads the world revolves around our singular vision, but we are pretty small and insignificant.

Does glancing up steeply invoke the same vertigo as peering over the edge of a rooftop? It may be that we are already falling and just don't know it yet.

Other works by Gary Duehr

About Gary Duehr

Somerville, MA

In 2007, Gary Duehr was chosen as a Best Emerging Artist in New England by the "International Association of Art Critics": In 2003 Duehr received an artist grant in photography from the "Massachusetts Cultural Council":, and his work has been featured in museums and galleries throughout New England.

His public artworks include a photo installation funded by the "Visible Republic": program of "New England Foundation for the Arts":, and a commission from the "MBTA": for a permanent photo installation at "North Station":

Duehr has written about the arts for journals including "ArtScope":, "Art New England":, "Art on Paper":, "Communication Arts":, "Frieze":, and "Public Culture": Today, Gary manages the "Bromfield Gallery": in Boston's "South End":

See Gary's portfolio here

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