
Piece description from the artist

Original work is oil on canvas and measures 16" X 20". Violet is one of my favorite colors to work with.

Other works by Will Birdwell

About Will Birdwell

Houston, TX

I was the young, dirty faced kid peeking in the art gallery window. I wanted to see how the other half lived. The guy that owned the gallery would give me a dollar to go get him a paper and tell me to keep the change. He was cool so art HAD to be cool. As I grew older I realized there were a lot of things I didn't understand about art. I didn't know how someone could display a blank canvas and call it "art", AND have others agree. With all do respect to Warhol, I didn't understand the painting of a soup can to be art. I thought art was supposed to be "beautiful". I realized that the "thought" artist were becoming more and more relevant, but I really needed more to work with than a blank canvas and a soup can. Then came the Hubble telescope photos. I was mesmerized. Spellbound. Not only was it the most beautiful art I had ever seen, it made me think about mankind's beginnings and the meaning of life in general. It abolished previous superstitious theories formulated when humans still thought the earth was flat. The photos quite literally showed the beginning of time. Many of my paintings are based on those photographs.

See Will's portfolio here

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